Monday, November 7, 2011

Prime the walls. Prime the woodwork. Open the paint can, stir the paint. What a lovely contemplative action that is. Arrange the painting tools, hmmmm. .. . love love love my toys.

Up the ladder onto the scaffold. Prime 6 feet of cutting in ceiling edges or window trim or whatever. Down the ladder. Move the scaffold. Prime 6 feet of floor level cutting in and baseboards. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Observe how big a room becomes when all of the furniture has been removed. Finally, get out the paint pan and the roller with the long handle and fill in the primer on the walls. Whoa, it already looks like an entirely different room. Can't resist, must open the colored paint can and fill in that small patch over the door. It has been so much work, I am eager to see what it will look like. Just like a little taste of the pleasure to come. Dear husband has made the mental adjustment and agrees that this change will be all right.

There have been rest days in this process or days allotted to shop for supplies. Thank goodness. Regularly scheduled social activities have continued but I have invoked the one activity per weekend rule. I am so tired.

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